When you look back over the past year, are you any further towards realizing the goals you had set for yourself? Yes? Terrific. No? Why not? What’s stopping you?
Did you make your goals too big and not achievable? Remember that all goals need to be SMART goals: Specific – very clear as to what the goal is so there is no fuzzy thinking about it. Measureable – it must be abundantly obvious to you that you achieved the goal. There is to rock solid evidence. Achievable – your goal must be something that you can fully realize. Realistic – the goal must be based on truth; it can’t be based on fanciful dreams. And lastly, it must be time specific. A goal without a deadline is just a dream. Make sure that you set a specific date for realizing your goal. If your goal is a big one, break it down and make smaller SMART goals.
Or did you just not put in the work to achieve them? Did you make excuses where you ought to have been making productive decisions that would move you in the direction to accomplish your goals? Do you know the difference between reasons and excuses? Only you will know for sure which kept you from your appointed tasks.
Impotence resulting from low blood circulation commander cialis discover over here rendered by greater PDE5 enzyme production is well thwarted on use of oral medication. One of the accepted yardsticks for good health among adults is good sex, so much so that an increasing number of people are using ED drugs (ED stands for viagra price click to find out more now erectile dysfunction) recreationally, without being diagnosed and treated for behavioral disorders. You should again deprive of these trio medicines if you are a patient of ED, a much recommended dosage of price of levitra is 100mg a day. The super cialis professional goal is to make the bile and pancreatic juice to be alkaline.
There is a saying that you can make money or you can make excuses but you can’t make both. Which do you want?
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